The introduction of computerized cash registers into businesses in Israel brought with it a real transformation. From a cash receipts tool and a simple calculator, the cash register has become a management tool. Computerized cash registers are much more than a device for managing a business's receipts. The modern cash registers are based on management systems that monitor employee performance, manage inventory, track working hours and analyze the workday. Those who know how to use all these functions discover a significant tool for every manager and employee in the business.
Computerized cash registers – user-friendly
Computerized cash register Based on working with a computer. The cash register contains a computer monitor, keyboard and mouse. In order to operate the cash register, you must know basic computer functions. In the past, computerized cash registers were complicated to operate; it could be said that a cash register is simpler to operate. Today, you can find computerized cash registers with a touch screen and user-friendly operating systems. Even older employees who are not familiar with computers at all manage to use the cash register and even enjoy doing so.
Computerized cash registers – receipt management
The main function of any cash register is to manage receipts. Cash registers are able to manage receipts received in cash, credit, and through checks. Cash registers provide reports on the amount of products sold, daily profit, and monthly profit. Computerized cash registers are able to provide much better reports. Users will be able to generate almost all types of reports while managing inventory and closely monitoring sales. Reports are a breath of fresh air for any manager, direct access to data allows him to make quick and efficient decisions.
Inventory management using computerized cash registers
It is important to note that even regular cash registers are capable of displaying the details of the products sold while displaying quantities. However, they are unable to manage the inventory, track the quantities, and help the manager put together the inventory orders. Computerized cash registers are capable of providing an up-to-date picture of the situation at any given moment. The business owner will be able to check with the click of a button which items are in the warehouse, how many items were sold each day and at what times. Accordingly, decisions are made regarding inventory orders, increasing the inventory in the warehouse, increasing the workforce, and more. The data in the reports is presented in a clear and user-friendly manner. The business owner will be able to quickly identify those items that are not selling at all, compared to those that are being sold in large quantities. Decisions regarding the placement of items in the store, promotions, or removing items from inventory are made based on the reports.